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Learn Reiki


With Jennifer Hunt




For more information email:


The world’s new understanding tells us that, “Everything is Energy.” What if you could understand your own energy system? What if you could soothe your own emotions and finally be able to relax? What if you had a way to promote better health for yourself and those you care about?


Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is an Energy Therapy, (as defined by the Mayo Clinic), that promotes good health through relaxation, stress relief and pain management. Reiki Energy is known as “universal life force energy”. It can be learned by anyone and can be used for self-care as well as to encourage relaxation, stress reduction and healing in others.


For some Reiki is a science.  For others it is a spiritual path. Either or a combination of both is an accurate and appropriate approach to this natural way to work with the bodies ability to take care of itself.


Reiki is being researched by esteemed medical organizations and research hospitals and is  found to be useful and effective.  Reiki like other energy, holistic, and alternative medicines is entering the mainstream of our culture.  My motto has always been, “This isn’t weird. Don’t make it weird” Good to know that others agree.


Check out Reiki VIDEO on CNN HERE.


Each course/level includes all supplies and information, handouts, folders etc needed, the days instruction and an ongoing mentorship. In the mentorship I will be available to you from here forward for questions, direction and additional information in the future.


The classes are set in a comfortable, pleasant learning atmosphere at The Living Arts Center at the corner of 7th & Broadway, Paducah, KY. Past students tell me they find the day to be interesting, exciting, fun and inspiring. I know that is definitely my goal. If you or someone you know is interested in learning reiki or wanting to continue in their training, do not hesitate to contact me at


I am one of the few Reiki Teachers in Western Kentucky and have been teaching for over a decade. I have several students spread over 7 states.  One of my greatest joys is showing others how to use energy to improve their own health and mental outlook while also teaching them to use Reiki to help others.



Reiki Level I    $150
Reiki Level II   $150
Reiki Level III  $300




Reiki I

This class will include information such as “what is reiki?” “Where did it come from?” “What can you use it for?” “What can’t you use it for?” ” How does it work?” “What makes it work?” “How do I incorporate it into my present belief system? (and it always fits into your present belief system regardless what that is. Reiki is not a religion and you need not subscribe to a particular belief system).


“How do I use reiki in my own healing?” “How do I use it to encourage the healing of others?” “How do I incorporate it into my current business and home life?” (and again, it always fits into both regardless what your business and home life consist of) Then we will continue on to teaching all the ways to use reiki, and the actual process of using reiki. By the end of the day you will have experienced actually using your reiki skills.


The class for this level is one day but your “practice” goes on from there. There are three levels to reiki. Some choose to go all the way to Master Level, but others go no further than level one and feel confident in that. The class is a comfortable, enlightening, pleasant day usually held on Saturdays and runs from 8:30-5:30 and costs $150.00.  Prerequisites:  NONE


Reiki II

This class is the next level in your reiki journey. At his level you will be able to increase the reiki energy that you work with. In this level you will learn two new symbols. You will learn one to send reiki long distance across a room or across the world. You will also learn how to do emotional healing, how to identify and deal with a healing crisis, how to use a bridge of light for someone who is possible passing and other ways to use reiki.


The class also includes all materials for the class and a gift to commemorate this level of your reiki experience. The class is a comfortable, enlightening, pleasant day usually held on Saturdays and runs from 8:30-5:30 TUITION: $150.00. Pre-requisite is Reiki level I for at least 3 months.


Reiki III Master Level

This is the final level in your Reiki practice and such a special and sacred time. Master level energy can be an enlightening and powerful experience. At this level you not only learn more techniques and tools but explore the way of the life of a Reiki Master.


Again, there is no previous belief system or change of belief system in which to subscribe.… The way of the Reiki Master is represented in working to live a healed life and working daily to be the healing peace in the world. Are you ready? We all were ready the day of our birth.

In this class you also learn how to make healing elixirs, how to create Reiki healing objects such as candles and jewelry.


You also learn new symbols including the Reiki Master symbol which helps you to better connect with your higher self. . In this class you learn new ways to help others and new ways to assist yourself in allowing you move forward in your intentions, goals, and purpose. Reiki Master Level expands your awareness and consciousness and helps you to find your place to stand in your authentic self.


The class is typically on a Saturday and runs from 8:30-4:30. The class includes a special gift to commemorate this level. The cost is $300 and is good for 7 massage CEs.  Prerequisite is Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 for at least 6 months.


Contact Jennifer Hunt: or (270) 217-4626



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